How to choose the difference between imported paint and domestic paint for latex paint color paste brand

There are many brands of latex paint colorants on the market, each with its own style. Latex paint, as a wall material favored by consumers, has a history of more than 100 years. Due to the wide variety of latex paint brands and the influence of one-sided advertisements by some domestic latex paint manufacturers, we still do not know how to choose correctly during the decoration. Today, the editor will talk to you about the latex paint color paste brand and see how to choose from so many brands.

Latex paint color paste brand introduction

1. Domestic first-line brands

Dulux, Levi, Nippon, China Resources, Jordan

2. Domestic second-tier brands

Jiabaoli, Dabao, Purple Flower, Camel, etc.

3. Original imported first-line brand

U.S. PPG master, U.S. Xuanwei, U.S. Huasbo, U.S. BEHR Baise bear (owned by U.S. MSCO Group)

4. Original imported second-tier brand

Danish Fule Pavilion, Finnish Finnline (owned by Tikkurila), US Benjamin Moore, German Schultz, etc.

The above introduces some first-line paints. The sales volume exceeds US $ 1 billion, and some imported first-line brand latex paints still rank first in the country of origin.

The difference between imported paint and domestic paint

The gap between them is obvious. The first is the feel. The feel of imported products is like a layer of leather, with a clear paint film feeling, which is more delicate and smooth. The feel of domestic products does not have a very obvious leather feel, and some are even muddy, relatively rough; secondly, it is excellent in mildew resistance, scrub resistance, and stain resistance; environmental protection, the smell is a little sour after opening the can. There is no irritating odor, you can swipe and live.

There are many varieties of domestic paint products. In the same price range, each brand has multiple products, and there is more room for choice. However, there are fewer types of imported products. There is only one product in each price range. The price of domestic products is relatively low, and imported products are relatively expensive when construction; domestic products are convenient to construct. Due to the high emulsion content and higher viscosity of imported products, the construction is more difficult. Environmental protection, because the choice of raw materials is different, so the environmental performance of imported products is better.

Of course, the price of imported latex paint is much higher than that of domestic latex paint, so you must consider the budget when choosing a brand. I personally think that if the budget is limited to choose the high-end series of domestic latex paint first-line brands, it is better to choose the low-end series of imported paint, after all, the foreign standards will be much higher than the domestic.

The above is how to choose the difference between the latex paint color paste brand introduced by the editor and imported paint and domestic paint. The above brands are more trustworthy! Hope the introduction of the editor is helpful to you, if you want to know other related Information, please continue to pay attention to this website, more exciting stay tuned!

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