How to improve your long-distance riding ability?

Before long-distance cycling, proper long-distance cycling must be performed once a week. Through weekly cycling, our aerobic capacity and muscular endurance will inevitably increase. However, this must be based on a correct grasp of the rhythm and method of cycling.

We often see such scenes: Shortly after departure or just outside the country, when everyone saw the road, they suddenly emerged, struggling, or competing with each other or riding with the car... If you are planning a journey of more than 100 kilometers, The result is often start-ups, exhausted one by one as soon as they come back... and then almost fall asleep, and it is still exhausted the next day.

If you can't recover well the next day, you should check your riding. I am afraid that your muscle tissue and other bodily functions have already been harmed, which means that not only did you not improve yourself on this ride, but you may have harmed yourself.

In fact: training is not about quantity but quality. If the training method is scientific and scientific, 10 kilometers of riding is 100% more effective than the unarranged one. How to improve your ability through long-distance cycling?

1. Develop fun for long distances instead of fear. The method is to ride easily. If you have a heart rate watch, you should keep your heart rate at around 70%, preferably no more than 80%. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, you'd better control the speed at 26-28 km/h and ride with a simple gear ratio.

Many people should have seen that people who really ride long distances are generally riding slowly. In this kind of riding, “speed” is a supporting role. In fact, long-distance riding is aerobic exercise. It is the training of your leg's endurance. The so-called “high-rise building starts flat”. This is basic training and is the beginning of everything. We must also learn to avoid fatigue in the long run and be good at adjusting our physical fitness. Slowly you will like to ride long distances and adapt to stay in the car for 4-5 consecutive hours.

2, many friends may doubt their own speed in this ride can not be improved. So, you can do some interval sprinting exercises for about ten kilometers around the end of this ride. If you don't have good physical fitness, it's better not to do it. Every three to five minutes, every time, one kilometer, three times. Up to five times. When it comes to sprinting, it's natural to do everything possible. A heart rate watch can observe your heart rate. No matter what gear ratio you use, you have to ensure that the frequency is better than 100 times and best 120 times.

3, do not travel on an empty stomach, if you do not eat before the departure of an hour, even in the process of riding behind you, not a few kilometers to add you to the Tour de France energy bar is also sad. It's best to drink some water every 15 minutes. Don't wait until you're thirsty!

4, it is critical to learn to control yourself. It is easy to let people forget to control themselves. Although 70% to 80% of the heart rate control is known to everyone, not everyone can do it. Learning to control is the key to success!

5. Don't forget that every driver is a potential killer and there are many unexpected dangerous situations.

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