The 2nd International Conference on Overseas Chinese in the Western Regions of China was held successfully

The 2nd International Conference on Overseas Chinese in the Western Region of the Western Conference of the People's Republic of China is successfully held. Date:2017-01-09 13:52

At the beginning of the new year 2017, in order to strengthen the cohesiveness of overseas Chinese in the west of the country, and promote positive energy, the 2nd Overseas Chinese Games organized by the Overseas Chinese Association of the West Coast and hosted by Madrid Huazhong Assistance Center in Pabelln Jess, Usera District, Madrid Rollan Sports Center was successfully held.

On the basis of the successful holding of the first Overseas Chinese Games in 2016, the 2nd International Conference on Overseas Chinese in Western China was held in a grand manner. It once again received extensive attention from the overseas Chinese in the west of the country. Many overseas Chinese groups, associations and enterprises organized the Games. Great support and sponsorship were provided to ensure the smooth preparation of the Games and the smooth running of the games. At the same time, as the first grand event of the overseas Chinese community in 2017, the Games was also highly valued by the Chinese Embassy in Spain. Ambassador Lu Fan and Counselor Zhu Jian attended the opening ceremony of the Games. At the same time, attending the opening ceremony were delegations of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese leaders of the brigade, business leaders, Spanish friends, and members of the participating teams.

President Ni Haomin announces the official opening of the 2nd Western Brigade Overseas Chinese Games

At about 10 o'clock on the morning of January 7, Mr. Ni Haomin, president of the Qingtian Association of Spain announced the official opening of the 2nd International Games for Overseas Chinese in the Western Region. Compared with 2016, the number of participating teams in the Games has increased significantly, from the Madrid Help Center, the Beijing Paradise Restaurant, the Madrid Aihua Chinese School, the Zhi Peng International Student Group, the Spanish Sino-Western Cooperation Development Foundation, the Chinese School of Overseas Chinese in Madrid, Beijing Association of Locals, Overseas Chinese Anti-cult Association, Evergreen Club, China Europe Group, Spanish Overseas Chinese Association, Spanish Qingtian Association, Spanish Overseas Chinese Women's Association, Spanish Overseas Chinese Association, Qingdao Association, Spanish Association for the Development of Chinese and Western Exchange, The athletes of the New Oriental Culture Institute and the Chinese-Western Culture and Education Exchange Association stepped into the venue in succession.

Each participating team

Chairman Mao Feng addressed

After the entrance ceremony, Chairman Mao Feng of the Association of Overseas Chinese in Spain gave a speech as the representative of the organizer. In his speech, he expressed on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Overseas Chinese Games of the West Coast Games to the Chinese Embassy in the West, the units that supported and sponsored the Games, the active athletes, and the friends of the overseas Chinese who dedicate themselves to the Games. Heartfelt thanks. He said: The purpose of hosting the Games for the Overseas Chinese community is, first, to enrich the amateur cultural activities of our overseas Chinese. Second, the body is the capital of the revolution. One of the important goals of hosting the Games is to enhance everyone's physique. Finally, we hosted a sports meeting in a local stadium in Spain. Among our athletes are also local Spanish athletes. We hope that during the competition we can enhance friendship and integrate more deeply into the local community. Chairman Mao Feng stated that during the preparatory process of the Games, the Organizing Committee encountered some difficulties, but with the help of numerous enterprises and overseas Chinese delegations, it eventually succeeded in overcoming difficulties. Chairman Mao Feng represented the organizing committee to provide human resources and financial resources for the Games. Supporting enterprises and associations once again expressed their sincere gratitude. Chairman Mao Feng called on the insightful people of the overseas Chinese community to put forward their valuable opinions so that the Overseas Chinese Games for Overseas Chinese in the Western Conference will be held once and for all. It will be better than the previous one. In the end, Chairman Mao Feng wishes the second session of the Overseas Chinese Games in the Western Bund.

Chairman Xu Songling took the oath on behalf of the referee

President Xu Songling of the Spanish Evergreen Club and the Spanish Anti-cult Association vowed on behalf of the referee that the referees must be loyal to their duties, impartial referees, and enthusiastic service to ensure the smooth running of the game. At the same time, President Xu hoped that all athletes would carry forward the spirit of higher, faster, and stronger Olympic Games, abide by various regulations, play out the spirit, match style and friendship. In addition, President Xu also expressed his gratitude for the active efforts of the Chinese Embassy in the West and the overseas Chinese in the West Coast, and wished the 2nd International Games for Overseas Chinese in the Western Region a complete success.

Speech by Ambassador Lu Fan

Lu Fan, Chinese Ambassador to Spain, also addressed the opening ceremony. He first presented New Year's greetings to everyone on behalf of the embassy. He recalled participating in the first overseas Chinese sports games: he said that there are more athletes participating in the Games this year and there are more participating teams. This is a very good phenomenon. He said: The body is the capital, it is the cost of doing anything, so we must have a good body, but also have a good attitude to ensure that our business can do better, young people and children have to learn As a result, the elderly are healthier and better able to integrate into Spanish society. Therefore, I hope that the athletes who participated in the 2nd Overseas Chinese Sports Games will work hard, play style, and scores for the match. Referees will be fair referees. The overseas Chinese community has recently held a wealth of cultural and sports activities. The Qiaoqi Games has just ended a few days before the chess competition. The Qiaoqi Sports Games is a professional, competitive and entertaining sporting event. It also hopes that everyone will pass the Games. It can promote friendship, increase exchanges, develop a habit of physical exercise and physical fitness through the Games, and also hope that everyone can have sufficient energy to do everything in the future in their studies, business, and life. I wish the Games a complete success and thank the organizing committee for its meticulous organization and hope that all our athletes will have good results. thank you all.

After the speech was over, the dance team from the Evergreen Club and the Tai Chi boxing team performed in succession to add more warm atmosphere to the opening of the Games.

After the opening ceremony, the participating teams took pictures with Ambassador Lu Fan. The organizing committee invited Ambassador Lu Fan and Counselor Zhu Zhujian to participate in the tug-of-war interaction. As the referee, Ambassador Lü Fan was the referee and the counselor Zhu Jian personally went into battle. As the referee whistle of Lv Fan was sounded, the second New Year's Day games officially began.

Ambassador Lu Fan and Counselor Zhu Zhujian participate in the interaction of tug of war

There were five major items in this game: shooting, skipping, tug-of-war, table tennis, and board games. Among them, the board game was decided on December 31, 2016. There are four small items for men, women, teenagers and groups. After seven hours of fierce competition, the winners of each competition were determined. The organizing committee selected the team's total points as the third runner-up based on the total points scored by each team.

Tug of War

After the friendly tug-of-war competition by Ambassador Lufan as referee ended, the official game began. The competition ushered in a small climax when the Spanish Overseas Chinese Association and the Aiwa Chinese Literature proceeded. The participating players pedaled one by one, leaned back, and desperately roped in their own direction. The red ribbon in the middle of the rope moved to the Overseas Chinese Association for a while, and later moved to the Aihua Chinese School. The cheerleaders of the two sides also shouted in unison, constantly cheering for their team.

After a series of selections, the competition between Spain’s Qingtian Association and the Spanish Central European Group for the championship began. The scene turned to a climax, and the crowd cheers and slams into one. Waiting for a whistle, the two players' arms were bulging and the muscles were tense, the brows were tight, and the sweat was rolling.

Members of the Qingtian Township Association continued to exert their energies. The red ribbon slowly approached them from the midpoint. Finally, the Qingtian fellowship team won the tug-of-war championship.

Jump rope competition

In skipping competitions, players need to skip ropes in one minute. The referee whispered and the skipping ropes in the hands of the players shook up, gradually getting faster and faster, and the sound of the whirring of the rope could be heard in the ear, like a dragon flying. Every player is confident, and some athletes exchange their left and right legs from time to time while beating at high speed. Watching time in the past seconds, the players blushed, and some slowed down, but still persisted. The stadium is filled with a positive, never-defeating spirit. The audience kept silence and counted for them silently. After the whistle of the referee, the game is over. The frowning brows of the players are also starting to open. The audience expressed their congratulations to the players on the palm.

Shooting game

In the basketball game, the players pitched in fixed spots in a minute. Surrounded by a lot of spectators, they held their breath and encouraged them. I saw a player hold the ball on his waist, his feet together, his knees slightly bent, his eyes fixed on the center of the basket. In an instant, he held the basketball with both hands, and he tossed the basketball out while his feet were still. The basketball drew a beautiful parabola and the ball entered! Everybody applauded him. The players who are waiting to participate in the competition can be described as eager to try, waiting to show their style. An air of youth is on the floor.

Table Tennis Competition

The longest and most intense is the table tennis game. In this competition, as in the first competition, there are still Spaniards participating in it. In addition, during this year's competition, there are also athletes who have come from Valencia.

In the enthusiastic applause of the audience, the game began and the scene was very lively. Surrounded by people around the stadium, cheering for the players they supported, it can be seen that even though overseas Chinese lived abroad for years, they could not forget the charm of the motherland.

In the junior competition, the young players bravely fought and worked hard. Since this year's game has achieved three rounds and three wins, the progress of the game this year is relatively fast compared to last year. In the women's competition, Xiao Yu and Liu Chunhong were ranked first and second. The fierce competition allowed the crowd of overseas compatriots to cheer.

To attract the most attention is the competition between the men's team and Liu Junjing and Chen Xiaoyi. Liu Jingjing from Valencia made his way to the finals. Chen Xiaoyi was the runner-up runner of the men's table tennis competition. He also had strong strength. The two contested on the court and attracted the audience from time to time to cheer and enthusiastic. applause. In the end, Liu Jingjing successfully won the men's team championship and Chen Xiaoyi finished second.

The Spanish Association for the Development of China and the West as the biggest dark horse of the Games, successfully won the championship of the group with excellent results in multiple competitions. The Spanish Association of Overseas Chinese Chinese won the second place overall in the group and the Spanish Evergreen Club ranked third.

At 18 o'clock in the evening, the 2nd International Conference of Overseas Chinese in the Western Brigade will hold a prize to award certificates, trophies and prizes to the athletes who won the competition.

Message from the President Zhang Liping

The Overseas Chinese Association of Overseas Chinese Women Zhang Liping made a concluding speech at the closing ceremony and award ceremony. She said that the second session of the Overseas Chinese Games in the Western Brigade was completed through the hard work of all the staff and organizers and the athletes' efforts. President Zhang, on behalf of the organizing committee, congratulated the successful games of the Games and the outstanding achievements of the athletes. She said: The athletes carried forward the friendship first, the sporting spirit of the second game, strictly abide by the rules of the game, the style of the game, the results of the game, and everyone in the stadium was a winner because we were chasing the victory. Both show their respective styles and participation is a symbol of courage and strength. Life is in sports. Today we give life opportunities. Life will give us a strong body. Through today's sports meeting, everyone will better understand the spirit of sports that is faster, taller, and stronger. Wish everyone to work hard and achieve better results.

Speech by Counselor Zhu Jian

In his closing speech, Counselor Zhu Jian first represented Ambassador Lu Fan and once again congratulated the Games on the success of the Games. He also extended his congratulations to overseas Chinese delegations, volunteers, and athletes in particular. Counselor Zhu Jian said: At the beginning of the new year, hosting the 2nd International Games in the Western Boundaries of Western China not only provided participants with a good training opportunity, but also demonstrated the spiritual outlook of overseas Chinese living in the country. I wish everyone in the new year will bring this kind of spirit to life, study and work. Counselor Zhu Jian recounted one day's game and said: People are more powerful. When we do anything for overseas Chinese in Spain, they are all more powerful. The people here include not only overseas Chinese but also Spanish friends. I hope everyone will continue to gather strength in 2017 and consolidate our strength in development.

At 18:30, the 2nd International Games for Overseas Chinese in the Western Regions closed successfully.

Games winners list:

1. Chess game (chess)

First place: Lin Xiuwei

Second place: Zheng Ronghua

Third place: Yan Xiaodong

4th place: Yu Dongchen

Fifth Place: Du Bocheng

Sixth place: Huang Peixian

2. Chess competition (Go)

First place: Liu Ran

Second place: Mao Feng

Third place: Chen Legen

Fourth place: Li Qi

Fifth place: Hao Ran

Sixth place: Hu Minghao

3. Shooting game

First place: Zeng Zhikai

Second place: Zhao Mingming

Third place: Wang Xia

Fourth place: Liu Cong

Fifth Place: Zhu Haodi

Sixth: Gu Xiao

4. Rope skipping competition

First place: Hu Hong

Second place: Qin Yi

Third place: Lin Jiarui

Fourth place: Wang Tianyou

Fifth Place: Huang Xiaojie

Sixth place: Liu Shurui

5. Tug of war

First place: Qingtian Association

Second place: China Europe Group

Third place: China-Western Exchange Development Association

6. Table Tennis Match (Juvenile Group)

First place: Zhou Wei

Second place: Wei Zixiang

Third place: Liu Chen Jia Hao 7. Table tennis match (women's group)

First place: Xiao Yu

Second place: Liu Chunhong

Third place: Marisa

8. Table tennis match (men's group)

First place: Liu Jingjing

Second place: Chen Xiaoyi

Third place: Yang Lixing

9. Table Tennis Match (Group)

First place: Evergreen Club

Second Place: China-Western Exchange Development Association

Third place: Qingtian Township Association

10. Group total score

First place: China-Western Exchange Development Association

Second place: Spanish Overseas Chinese Association

Third place: Evergreen Club

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