Newsprint color digital proofing program features

The newsprint color digital proofing program incorporates advanced software and hardware technologies to achieve high-efficiency and high-quality proofing. The use of features is obvious. 1. Digital proofing using newsprint, realistically simulating printing colors, making predictability of print

Li printing ink printing faults and processing methods

1. Whitening of printing ink film â‘  Point-type albino. The main reason is that the ink system has poor mutual solubility for the wax surfactants; the second reason is that the printing process is not reconstituted after the ink is skinned and is transferred to the graphic. Treatment method

Q&A on Printing Paper (163-174)

163. What is the effect of paper acidity on the durability of paper? A: Durability refers to the ability of long-term paper to retain important physical and mechanical properties, especially strength and whiteness. The pH value of the paper has a great influence on the durability of the paper. Th